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  • Writer's pictureBlair Alexander

Pandemic and writing

Hey everyone, sorry you have not heard from me in quite some time. Then again I think all of three people have read my blog. I think at this point I am just talking to myself like some crazy person. Well I am okay with that.

Anyways enough about going crazy. How is everyone? I know right now has been a rough time for everyone. I am in college and all of my classes are online however there is no real schedule of when things are due. While that sounds great, my dyslexic self sees that as a way to prolong getting anything done seeing as it is a tiring thing to do when having to teach yourself everything. Not being able to see your friends, significant other and family in a long time. I know I can't be the only who has been finding it hard to write. At times I don't have any energy to write at times. Something I love doing has sadly become something I find draining to do all because of this pandemic.

I hope that you are all doing well, as well as one can be at this time. Know that there is always someone out there wanting to talk to you.

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