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  • Writer's pictureBlair Alexander

Welcome and hello

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Hello everyone, firstly thank you for visiting my website. This is my first time writing a blog post and it will probably show. I am nearly done with writing my first book, Yay. I am just going over each character and editing everything and making sure that things make sense and character development.

Some facts about me. Maybe you will find this interesting:

I am a twin and I am the older one by one minute.

I have purple and blue ombre hair.

I love bold makeup looks.

Not afraid of cussing and can be blunt at times.

A part-time college student. My major is in English.

My dream to get multiple books published.

I thought it would be fun if I were write a blog and talk about what I go through while writing, so there is more to come. I will try to post every week or so talking about where I am at so far in my book writing (No spoilers) such as where am I in editing and or plotting and etc.

Anyways I have finally made this website along with a Twitter and Instagram for my author platforms. You can check them out in the contract tab. All of that it took me a while to get everything running. I'm still pretty new to having an author platform so I am not really such if I am doing anything correctly. If there is anyone who would like to tell me what I am doing wrong go ahead and complain about it in the comments below.

I know this post is a bit all over the place so thank you to those who read all the way through.

Next post will be more about my writing style.

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